A Personal Line of Credit is money when you need it for unpredictable situations. It works like a credit card: we approve you for a certain amount, you spend from that amount and make payments back, and your funds become available again, up to your limit, as you pay down the balance with no annual fees or transfer fees.
Have money available when you need it.
A Personal Line of Credit can provide overdraft protection on your checking account, money for car repairs or vacations, or the opportunity to consolidate your debts and avoid paying higher interest rates elsewhere.
Personal Line of Credit
*APR - effective November, 2019. Your rate is determined by your credit worthiness.
Annual Percentage Rate | as low as 9.90% APR* | up to 48 Months |
Questions? Find out more about SCCU's Personal Lines of Credit by calling our friendly Loan Department at (509) 325-4444 or emailing us at loandepartment@sccu.net.